Visitors at Estonian National Museum offered to kick Virgin Mary's image

Source: Interfax-Religion

Tallinn, October 3, 2016


The National Museum which opened in Estonia in the presence of President Toomas Hendrik Ilves last week, is offering its visitors to kick one of the exhibits, an interactive image of Virgin Mary, causing the picture to fall into pieces.

The virtual painting has been criticized by a number of politicians, entrepreneurs and parliamentarians in the Postimees newspaper. Thus, according to Priit Sibul, who chairs the parliamentary faction of the ruling Union of Pro Patria and Res Publica, "kicking an image of the Mother of God is something they did in the Soviet cultural space but would not demonstrate in public."

Meanwhile, the chairman of the parliamentary opposition Conservative People's Party, Mart Helme, warned against a particularly negative reaction in the Russian-speaking community where religious traditions are especially strong.


"Most Russians living in Estonia are actively religious people and their integration is not helped by religious insult approved on a state level," Helme said.

"The image should be removed as soon as possible because the virtual destruction the authors offer insults the feelings of religious Russian-speaking residents and hinders their integration," the politician was quoted in his party's press release as saying.

According to Helme, who was Estonia's ambassador to Russia in the 1990s, "mocking of the symbols of faith also has a political dimension to it." "An attack on symbols may lead to an escalation of social tensions and a cooling of the inter-state relations," he said.

For his part, Archbishop Urmas Viilma of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church said the image is an affront to the whole Estonian society, all Christians, not just Orthodox ones but Catholics and Lutherans as well. For Estonians, Virgin Mary has a special meaning, no wonder the country is popularly called the Land of Mary, the archbishop said.

The installation on display at the Estonian National Museum is a depiction of Virgin Mary on a big light screen almost the size of a human being. It is static until someone kicks a specially marked spot at the bottom of the picture, causing the virtual figure fly into pieces and the word "Reformation" appear on the screen.

The Estonian National Museum is open in the city of Tartu and set to become the country's most important. It is predicted to attract up to 200,000 visitors per year.


3 октября 2016 г.

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Jean Cloutier25 ноября 2016, 19:00
SHE will crush his head with HER HEEL!
Ewa14 ноября 2016, 07:00
Kicking is brutal but this is more than that. I have no words... Stop this !!
Cindy29 октября 2016, 21:00
This is reprehensible and should be removed immediately. It is not only an insult to Christians and the Blessed Mother but is a slap in the face of God.
Fr. John Nariai29 октября 2016, 09:00
Fr. John A. Nariai What an idiot the person who made this woeful image and what a blind person who allowed this sad image to be exhibited in the museum. The picture of a young boy who is kicking the button is so proudly shown. They don't know what they are doing. Have pity on them, oh, Jesus! Thanks.
Anonymous 25 октября 2016, 01:00
Dear editors, I will post this comment every day until you guys let it get on Thank you, I ask you to please SHARE this petition with your friends. It is really important Please join me in defending Holy Mary against a CONTEMPTIBLE attack May Our Lady reward you! Director America Needs Fatima P.S. For more information regarding this exhibit, go here:
Jean Millman24 октября 2016, 18:00
God sees all and will judge all those who deface our Blessed Mother, the mother of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who died for all our sins. Peace be with all of you who believe in our God and Lord and Savior.
Jack20 октября 2016, 01:00
Quo vadis Estonia ??????????
Terrie19 октября 2016, 01:00
The devil is trying hard but remember that Mary has the power to step on him . He try at the beginning and now again but no matter what he won't succeed. Holy Mary mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen
krista truong18 октября 2016, 23:00
This is sick! Please remove this hideous sign asking people to kick the Mother of God!
Cheri leclerc18 октября 2016, 21:00
I agree with one other persons comment... Let the Curator or person responsible for this stand there and get kicked in the nuts! Our Lady is strong! She can see who has made this hideous "art",see who is kicking it,see who allows this monstrosity to Her to take place! God can see too! This is a blatant act of irreverence to the The Mother Of God, and God does not like these guilty ones should ask for forgiveness and see to it this irreverent show is removed. God has a tool he uses called WRATH!
Colleen Meegan18 октября 2016, 21:00
AT Brooklyn Dave: Forgive me, but these awful "Talmudists" to which you refer are Jews, like Jesus, Mary & Joseph. I have the utmost respect for our Jewish sisters & brothers, without whom we would not be Christians at all. Let's respect other religions lest we be prejudicial ourselves. "Judge not lest ye be judged." Thank you & God Bless!
Colleen Meegan18 октября 2016, 21:00
Estonia HAD a strong Lutheran/Catholic tradition at one time. Apparently it has now gone Godless! Much shame on your country!
tomy thomas16 октября 2016, 02:00
THIS IS TO APPEAL ALL CATHOLICS WHO LOVE AND PRAY TO BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, FOR REMOVAL OF KICK MARY STATUE AT NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ESTONIA. All Catholics who are pained by this blasphemous exhibit, please visit my Facebook appeal page and write your comments: "Removal of Kick Mary statue at National Museum of Estonia". Thanks, Praise the Lord. Tomy Thomas
Brian Fernandes14 октября 2016, 18:00
How can these people be so blind? They do not know what anguish they shall bring on themselves and their families. Pray our dear Lord `have mercy on them`
Patrick Despard14 октября 2016, 17:00
We are oblidged out of love for Our Immaculate Mother to make reparation for this satanic act against her person.Let us console our Blessed Lady by saying as many rosaries as we can, This is also a satanic attack on the Blessed Trinity The Father The Son and the Holy Spirit. Despard Family.
Frank J. Cali14 октября 2016, 16:00
What i would like to happen is JUST NOT CHRISTIAN THE BLESSED SWEET MOTHER thinks and act and responds in a different way. She and as her son will say pray for them .
Kate14 октября 2016, 07:00
All should repent! This is blasphemy!
JOANNE MCKINLEY14 октября 2016, 03:00
Joel LOPEZ13 октября 2016, 19:00
Teresa Villadiego 13 октября 2016, 18:00
We consider Mary, the mother of Jesus, our mother. Pls consider and respect our feeling and not kick our mother. How would you feel if I kicked your mom? It is so inhumane
Rosemary Fairney13 октября 2016, 10:00
Terribly disgraceful to do this to Our Blessed Mother,
Joseph Saraceno13 октября 2016, 07:00
What's worse is the new Catholic Bibles question Mary's virginity by using the new translation of, " a young women shall conceive and bear a son." Isaiah 7:14 replaces young woman for VIRGIN. Many other heresy's in these new Bibles.
Yvonne Villalba 13 октября 2016, 07:00
Please stop this excibit. It is insulting to many believers. This excibit does not represent progress only backward thinking and intolerance. PLEASE STOP THIS EXHIBIT.
Patrick Greenrod13 октября 2016, 05:00
I am all Thine my Queen and my Mother and all that I have is Thine. Do what is respectful and more likely to cause Goodwill amongst people of all Faiths; no person of Goodwill wants to offend the Mother of All Mothers. Stop this offensive behaviour immediately! Patrick
Mбire Nн Bhroin13 октября 2016, 05:00
I am offended on behalf of all Christians who are being insulted by this virtual violent attack against our Lord & Saviour's Holy Mother. On a secular level, I am astounded that this exhibit which encourages violence against women &/or their mothers', in this day and age. Children are being taught to hate persons of the female gender, in a public place & both the museum & Estonians should be ashamed of this anti-female, anti-mother, anti-Christian exhibit. Will both boys & girls learn to violently disrespect their own mothers & female relatives & caregivers in this country? This blatant propaganda should be boycotted. Further, with such an ignorant, ill informed & violent message, one wonders at the mindset of the creator of this instellation.Is the artist really suggesting that the entire Reformation was actually about kicking & shattering a woman, Jesus's Mother, in order to destroy her to pieces? Unbelievable!It is an insult to all Protestants,as well as Catholics & Muslims, too.
Fr. John Hampsch, cmf13 октября 2016, 05:00
The physical act of kicking a person, or even the image of a person, is not just an egregious act of hatred, bitterness, and contemptuous scorn, but also an act of consummate immaturity as an expression of opposition. What has the gentle and loving Virgin of Nazareth, the sweet mother of Jesus Christ, ever done to harm anyone? Who could ever be so demonically inspired to create or support this absurd display of vicious contempt against God's masterpiece of creation--the one human among all humans least deserving of such childish contempt? Let us pray for the designer of this abomination and for all who engage in using this despicable public exhibit.
Carmel farrell13 октября 2016, 02:00
This is such a terrible sin. The Holy Mother of God should be venerated and respected. The Holiest Woman ever to walk this earth. Yes satan hates Our Lady and we all know the evil this thing perpetuates. I love the Mother of God and pray the Rosary daily. What a shame such blasphemy is allowed. Carmel..
Laura13 октября 2016, 02:00
God will punish those who disrespect his mother, The Mother of Our Lord. May God have mercy on you.
Nelson de Azevedo Soares13 октября 2016, 00:00
No coments Only, MARY is MOTHER of GOD. Attention all humanity!
Annabelle White12 октября 2016, 22:00
Shame on you ! Estonians please make reparation for this outrage Words fail me This is so serious. You must pray & do penance as must we all. Smother Our Lady with love by many rosaries. Ave Maria! Praise God for her wonderful priviledges Annabelle White
Kramo12 октября 2016, 21:00
I say we have people stand in line to kick the museum director in the nuts.
Kristin12 октября 2016, 21:00
We are teaching our children and future generations that kicking a human being is ok. Never mind the only purest and most beautiful human being that ever lived. Please stop this cruelty and insanity. It is over here in the United States as well. It is extremely disturbing. I pray this ends soon. Mary is a symbol of love and hope not something that should be degraded.
James Deady12 октября 2016, 21:00
Please take this wicked exhibit down immediately. It insults Mary, our Blessed Lady, who consented to become the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, our saviour. It offends her Son who is God Incarnate. Mary co-operated in God's plan of Salvation. in the Book of Genesis God said to the Devil that he would put enmity between him and the Woman. all Mankind should love and honour Our Lady.
James Deady12 октября 2016, 21:00
Please take this wicked exhibit down immediately. It insults Mary, our Blessed Lady, who consented to become the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour. It offends her Son who is God Incarnate. Mary co-operated in God's plan of Salvation for us. God said to the Devil in the Book of Genesis that He would put enmity between him and the Woman. All Mankind should love and honour Our Lady.
KARL SPYRKA12 октября 2016, 20:00
Miriam Lamb12 октября 2016, 20:00
This is so disrespectful of what is being doing to our lady this is an offense to all Christians. Take down this display.
Mary G W12 октября 2016, 06:00
Please stop this! Take this exhibit down! It is very offensive and cruel! We love The Mother of Jesus, she is our (Christians) Mother and we want you to stop making innocent children think it is ok to aggresssivly kick the image of any human being like that! Especialy the purest human being ever made, who loves us. Why would you do that? Remember, most Blessed Virgin Mary that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help or sought they intercession was left unaided so it is with this confidence that we come before you sinful and sorrowful for all these blasphemies against you and your Son Jesus. O Mother of "The Word Incarnate", despise not our petition to send your angels to take this blasphemous disply down for these sad souls, if they still refuse to do it themselves. Lord have mercy . Eternal Father, I offer you the body and blood, soul and divnity of your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins, and those of the whole world.
John Gogarty11 октября 2016, 04:00
Shame. Estonia has largely decent respectful people. Who ever designed this needs a check up from the neck up. Remove this kick idea immediately.
John B. Taylor 8 октября 2016, 22:00
We may be in for interesting times. For the last century and more, Satan and his legions have been running riot on this unhappy planet of ours, to the ruin, misery and loss of millions of souls. Next year sees the centenary of the appearance of Our Lady at Fatima, with some dire warnings of what awaits humanity if they do not repent and turn back to Christ. From what I saw there, Russia has heeded the warning. Elsewhere the Dance of Death goes merrily on. As I said,2017 could be an interesting year!
Brooklyn Dave 7 октября 2016, 19:00
Things like this are not new unfortunately. Here in the USA we've had exhibits such as the crucified Christ in a bottle of urine and the Bogoroditsa made of elephant dung. This is supposed to be art? And it was funded or partially funded by the National Endowment for the Arts- a government agency. Toomas Hendrik is either an atheist, under the influence of talmudists, or he knows that this Kick the Virgin Mary exhibit will anger the Russian population in his country -and he doesn't give a damn.
Frances Ruocco 4 октября 2016, 22:00
No one wants the mother of their child or their own mother to be abused. Neither will God the Father want the Mother of His Son abused or Jesus the Christ to have His Mother abused. I have seen many political leaders who abused the Blessed Mother humiliated in the press world wide. God will not be happy with this and we can be sure many who allowed it will pay a high price for allowing this to happen.
Charles Toshney 4 октября 2016, 20:00
Communism fell, and it's dinosaur supporters who cannot accept the fact that God is everywhere will eventually succumb to the faith also and the love of the Mother of God as her love is bountiful and never falters.
sara 4 октября 2016, 13:00
May God have Mercy, Shame!!! if Z only way to turn on lights is Kicking, were in Z 21st Century & ol Zy can come up is Mocking...Try Expanding your horizons, Respecting & loving one another never hurts.
Joseph Domenico 3 октября 2016, 21:00
How about kicking an image of the devil, pervert, murderous desert dweller Mohamat?
Guest 3 октября 2016, 21:00
The devil hates the Virgin Mary and often inspires people to come up with ways to commit sacrilege. There are so many useful idiots of satan, its sad.
Demoze 3 октября 2016, 15:00
Thank you for writing and distributing this article. My comment is that everybody has to respect others belief therefore the museum should not do that. Instead of kicking they can use on and off switch for the Virgin marry picture to have motion and other light otherwise as Cristina it is prohibited to kick. Thank you
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