Al-Qaryatayn, October 18, 2015
A new reel, released by terrorists of “The Islamic State”, has spread all over the world news agencies. This time the video showed the moment they announced the new terms for Christians residing on the territory under the militants’ control, reports news portal.

The video camera has captured the act of announcement and signing by the Christians of an agreement with the new authorities of the Al-Qaryatayn village, situated in the south-west of Homs: specifically, it is seen how a member of IS offers dozens of local residents the choice between banishment, conversion to Islam, and payment of a poll tax called jizya. Those who disagree with the rules have 48 hours to leave the settlement.
Besides that, the “document” prohibits any “presence of the cross”, ringing of church bells, holding of any events in public places, and use of loudspeakers. Poll taxes vary depending on the social status of a Christian; payment of jizya by installments can also be provided.
Alongside scenes of Christians signing the document, the video goes on to show scenes of crosses being torn off church domes, and more footage of calls to submit to the terrorists—a speech addressed to “cross-bearers” (that is, Christians) begins with the words: “Accept Islam and you will live in peace”.