Source: InSerbia
Belgrade, September 22, 2015
Serbia opened a second and Belgrade its first haven for refugee mothers and children, where they will be able to have some rest and assistance from social workers, health visitors, kindergarten teachers and translators, on Tuesday.

The reception center, located in the lobby of the Bristol hotel in central Belgrade, was opened at the initiative of UNICEF in Serbia in cooperation with the Serbian Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the City of Belgrade.
UNICEF Serbia Representative Michel Saint-Lot said that it would be a place for refugee children to rest, play, receive psychosocial support and for the first time in a long time, feel as children again.
Defense Minister Bratislav Gasic, whose ministry has provided the space for the center, said that Serbia would continue helping refugees in the same way as it had used to.
“Serbia has gone through the hardships of the 1990s, when a large number of Serbs was arriving in Serbia from various Serb regions in the same way. We know what it means (problems facing refugees). This is the second center of this type, as we have opened a similar one in Presevo (southern Serbia),” said Gasic.