August 17, 2015

“I am asking you to hear the appeal of Orthodox residents of Zaporizhia and protect our residents from moral decay and degradation that leads to sin in the religious sense and to decline of culture and civilization in the secular sense ... We are against all that destroys family values, against manifestations and propaganda of sin,”the hierarch said.
The mayor's office was quick to respond: “The municipal authorities have no right to interfere with the form and content of outdoor advertising –this rule is enshrined in Article 16 of the Law of Ukraine On Advertising . Local authorities are forbidden to interfere with the form and content of outdoor advertising whenissuing permits for outdoor advertising.”
Sponsored ads referred to in the statement of Archbishop Lukawere placed by PE Reklama-Servis, Flight LLC, LTD and Reklama Servis Ukraine LLC.
Meanwhile, the press service of the mayor notes that the utility company Zaporizhzhya Municipal investment Agency, which provides outdoor advertising on advertising media in municipal property, is not involved in the distribution of such plots.
The UOC (MP) Diocese of Zaporizhia will continue seeking legal ways to remove social ads advocating the same-sex love from the city streets.