Kiev, May 28, 2015

All monasteries, convents, and parish churches of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate will commemorate the children who were killed in Donbass. A respective directive has been sent out to dioceses by the Kiev Metropolitanate’s office, reports portal.
Prayers for repose of all the children killed in the zone of the Eastern Ukraine’s armed conflict will be offered up in churches on June 1 – the Feast of the Holy Spirit, which this year coincides with the celebration of the International Day for Protection of Children. Reading of this joint Church prayer was blessed by His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All the Ukraine, primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC MP).
According to the Children’s Ombudsman of the Ukraine (the Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights), 65 children were killed and 127 injured over the active phase of the conflict in Donbass.
The exact number of children who fell victim to the war in the Eastern Ukraine, still remains unknown.