Ita (also known as Itha, Ida, Ide, Deirdre, Dorothy)
is the second most popular Irish woman saint after
St. Brigid. She is venerated in Ireland by Orthodox
and Catholic believers to this day. However, her life
was written several centuries after her
The future saint was born in about 480 into a Christian
family near the present-day town of Waterford in the
county of the same name—situated in the Munster
province in the southeast of Ireland. Her father was a
local chieftain. The girl was baptized with the name
“Deirdre”). From childhood she was
distinguished by her zeal and desire for the ascetic life.
Everyone noted a special purity, meekness, kindness,
presence of the grace of God and holiness in the child. To
the great amazement of the adults, the future abbess
observed a very strict fast from her cradle. One night her
parents saw that their little daughter’s bedroom for
some while was filled with an unusual fire which was
understood to be divine grace.
Deirdre was 16, she left her home together with her
sister Fiona in order to lead a holy life and serve God
to the end of her days. First her father opposed the
saint’s decision as he wished to marry her to a
nobleman, but due to the prayers of her daughter he was
brought to his senses by an angel and gave her
permission to become a nun. She was soon tonsured by
St. Declan, Bishop of Ardmore and received in
monasticism the name “Ita”, which,
according to tradition, means “craving for
holiness”. Thus, Ita with her sister (who
afterwards took the veil as well), guided by three
unearthly pillars of light (a symbol of the Holy
Trinity), reached the place predestined by God, where
she was to found a convent and rule it until her death.
The local ruler offered Ita a large area of land for
her community, but the saint humbly asked him to give
only 4 acres of land for her nunnery that she then
carefully cultivated.
So in the wilderness the holy woman founded Killeedy
Convent near Limerick in present-day County Limerick
(situated in Munster in the south-west of Ireland),
becoming its first abbess. The convent was situated at the
foot of a mountain and it was the first monastic community
founded in that district. The name “Killeedy”
means “cell, or church of Ita”. The original
name of this site presumably meant “the meadow of
faith”. The convent of Killeedy was noted for its
particular veneration of the Holy and Undivided Trinity.
Tradition holds that St. Ita, who also had a keen interest
in music, composed a famous lullaby to the Infant Christ
which is used to this day.
A stained glass image of St. Ita inside RC Church of the Mother of God and St. Kieran at Ballylooby, co. Tipperary
her convent Ita opened a school for children and
young people where numerous young men from various
parts of Ireland were sent by their parents to be
educated. It was said that St. Ita raised, or
“fostered” many future Irish saints, so
she has popularly been known as “the
foster-mother of saints of Ireland.” Among the
saints who studied under St. Ita were Sts. Brendan
the Navigator of Clonfert, St. Mochoemoc (her
nephew), St. Cumian and St. Fachanan. Later
biographers claim that St. Brendan the Navigator was
a close spiritual child of St. Ita and often visited
her throughout his life between his sea voyages to
obtain advice.1 The great
missionary St. Columbanus visited her convent as a
young man for counsel. According to legend, once on the
feast of Nativity of Christ, after praying, St. Ita was
miraculously transferred to the Clonfert Monastery
where St. Brendan gave her Holy communion.
St. Ita used to say that the Lord loves three things in a
Christian most of all: faith in God with a pure heart, a
spiritual Christian life with simplicity, and generous
love; but the Lord especially dislikes in us the following
things: a gloomy face (according to another variant:
hatred in our hearts), persistence in sin and excessive
reliance on money.
St. Ita - a stained glass
St. Ita had a
special gift: she combined the qualities of a caring
mother and a skilled spiritual guide. The holy and
loving Abbess Ita never left her convent, unlike St.
Brigid, her great contemporary, who founded many
convents and used to travel extensively. St.
Ita’s austere and simple life and thirst for
holiness attracted many women to her from the Emerald
Island, and they entered her community in large
numbers. Thus was fulfilled the prophecy that her
parents had received many years before: that many
people’s souls would be saved through St. Ita.
Following the example of their spiritual mother, the
convent sisters generously helped the needy and the
elderly, cared for the sick, taught and cared for
children. Manual work was encouraged in the community
as well: the convent had a wonderful vegetable
garden; it also owned a dairy at some distance from
Kilmeedy church, county Limerick
infancy and until her death, St. Ita led an extremely
severe, ascetic life, with daily hours-long prayers,
prostrations, days-long fasts, vigils and church
services; the rest of her time she devoted to the care
of those who sought her aid. Angels and saints
miraculously appeared to her more than once and
conversed with her. It was even said that on a certain
occasion food was delivered to the saint directly from
the heavens. Like many other Celtic saints, St. Ita
from time to time retreated to seclusion and prayed
absolutely alone for a long time (some sources say she
built a tiny cell of thatch and wattle for herself just
outside the nunnery for silent contemplation for
several hours a day). Many came to her convent, seeking
spiritual advice, instruction and consolation. There
were many cases of miraculous healing of sick people
through the intercession of St. Ita. Once by the force
of her prayer St. Ita raised from the dead one of her
relatives who had fallen in battle. Another time she
restored the sight of a blind man (the second sister of
Ita named Nessa also healed St. Fachanan, mentioned
above, from blindness). On another occasion the abbess
healed a learned man from dumbness.
The Saviour abundantly bestowed on St. Ita the gift
of wisdom. Interestingly, she gained her great wisdom not
from learned books or experience of secular life (that
she, in fact, did not have), but from her meditations on
Divine things, her humble Christian life, meek and silent
kneeling prayers and tears day and night. Already during
her life Irish people from all corners of the island
venerated St. Ita as a saint. Many of them desired to
visit her convent despite the long distances and
journeys—just to see this venerable woman, a living
saint. St. Ita became known as a wonderworker, she
possessed the gifts of spiritual discernment and
clairvoyance and was famous for her prophecies.
Altar of the Kilmeedy church
Ita is especially venerated in Munster, and first of
all—in Limerick and Waterford. She is often
called “the white sun of the women of
Munster”, “the Brigid of Munster.”
There where St. Ita was born and founded her convent a
number of churches are dedicated to her and several
localities bear her name. One of the professional
football teams in Ireland is named after St. Ita whose
image is seen on their crest. She is the patron-saint
of the Catholic Diocese of Limerick and patroness of a
Catholic parish church in Chicago (USA).
St. Ita lived an extremely long life, dying at the age of
90. Feeling that her end was near, she gathered her
convent sisters, invoked the blessing of the Lord upon all
of them as well as on all the priests, monks, nuns and
laypeople in the surrounding region. This holy abbess
passed away in the Lord following a torturous illness in
about 570. The veneration of this saint spread all over
Ireland; in the eighth century the learned monk Alcuin
mentioned St. Ita in his poem dedicated to the saints of
Ireland. The convent of St. Ita in Killeedy, a great
centre of holiness and learning, existed till the
ninth-century Viking raids. Soon after it had been
destroyed for the first time by pirates in 845, a new
church was built on the same site but this too was
destroyed in the early tenth century.
Raheenagh church, county Limerick
Feenagh church, co. Limerick
Only minor ruins survive of the once famous and important
convent of St. Ita in Killeedy which is now a parish in
County Limerick. This site, however, remains a destination
for pilgrimages to this day. The supposed grave of St. Ita
(now marked by a modern shrine with a statue of the saint)
is located nearby. Locals and pilgrims frequently decorate
it with flowers, and a solemn Catholic service is
celebrated annually on January 15 in surrounding churches
with different festive events dedicated to the holy
patroness. Next to her grave there is a partly surviving
ancient holy well associated with Ita: its full name is
“the holy well of my little Ita.” Its water
once healed many children from smallpox and other diseases
and nowadays there have been cases of healing of local
schoolchildren from warts. Tradition says that the well
here first gushed forth during St. Ita’s lifetime.
St. Ita is the patroness of children (especially of those
studying), pregnant women, and those with various eye
Ashford church
Ashford church altar
Two villages stand very near to the site of St.
Ita’s former convent: Ashford and Raheenagh; the
holy abbess is venerated here to this day and each of
these villages has a church dedicated to St. Ita. In
County Limerick there is also a village with the touching
name of Kilmeedy which means “church of my little
Ita”. According to tradition, here the saint built
her first church before moving to Killeedy. Parish
churches in Kilmeedy and the neighbouring village Feenagh
(meaning “a wooded place”) are dedicated to
St. Ita as well. “Ita” is still a girls’
baptismal name in Ireland.
Holy Mother Ita, Wonderworker of Limerick and all Ireland,
pray to God for us!
28 января 2015 г.