Source: Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary
2–5 January 2015 • Off-Campus • National Festival of Young Preachers
Read Seminarian Tristan Gall's reflection on the Festival

During the three-day event held on the campus of Southern Methodist University at the Perkins School of Theology, each young preacher delivered a sermon on one of several biblical texts that followed the festival theme "Tell me a Story." In addition to delivering their sermons, young preachers also received valuable feedback from evaluators, who often hailed from a Christian tradition different from that of the preacher.
Father Sergius, who served as a mentor, commented, "As a teacher of homiletics, I find it extremely helpful to interact with preachers who come from different Christian traditions. It enables me to understand how people from various backgrounds hear preaching, what they look for, and what they expect. This enriches my work at St. Vladimir's tremendously, as we seek to engage the world with Orthodox Christianity."

"It never ceases to amaze me how much interest there is in the Orthodox Church among the participants," reflected Fr. Sergius. "There is hardly a moment that we were not speaking with someone who has questions about the Orthodox Church. Our participation in these events is a wonderful opportunity for our students, and I'm deeply grateful to the Academy for their ongoing support."
On Sunday morning after the festival had concluded, Fr. Sergius served and preached at the St. Seraphim Cathedral. "We were received with warm and enthusiastic hospitality," he said.