Rwanda, August 20, 2014

His Grace Bishop Innokentios of Bujumbura ( ruling hierarch of the Diocese of Burundi and Rwanda), visited new converts and Clergy men from the Diocese of Burundi and Rwanda. Baptism ceremony was held in Nyamazi river located in Kirehe District in the Eastern Province of Rwanda on 17 August 2014, where more than 200 people converted to Orthodoxy.

After baptism and Divine Liturgy, there were also cultural events and friendly football match between Rurenge team and Kaziba youth orthodox team at Rurenge stadium.

On the 14/09/2014 a priest will be ordained in the soil of Rwanda for the first time in the History of the Alexandrian Patriarchate. Over 2000 people are waiting to be baptized and ministered. Orthodoxy is still new in Rwanda, please keep the Rwandan Mission in your everyday prayers.