New York, July 24, 2014

Work on the creation of a 12-volume encyclopedia of Russian burial sites in America has been completed in New York. It describes the graves of numerous Orthodox cemeteries in the United States. The encyclopedia will be published in Moscow, in the Minuvsheye (“The Past”) Publishing House. Each volume will have 1000 printed copies, reports the Russky Vek portal.
The first volume of the encyclopedic cycle is called The Russian Necropolis in Mahopac. It includes the lists of 500 graves in the Russian Orthodox cemetery near Mahopac in New York State. Outstanding figures of the Russian emigration and Russian culture rest there.
The Russian Necropolis in Mahopac is expected to get to American libraries and onto the counters of specialized bookshops as early as August.
Earlier, the International Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots Living Abroad recommended that the countries’ coordination councils hold a minute of silence in memory of World War I victims.
A considerable community of Russian-speaking émigrés has developed in the USA. The total number of Russian compatriots is about 2.5 million people. Around 7 million people in the United States are émigrés from the former USSR. In some regions of the United States (for example, in New York) members of Russian-speaking communities number in the millions, while elsewhere there are only hundreds of them.