"Glory to God to in the highest, and on earth peace and good will toward men!" How can we not rejoice in this day?
In our fallen earthly world, in a humble cave today was born the Lord God, our Savior!
From year to year, from century to century, the Holy Church has reminded Christians that the night sky brought forth a star; the angels their song; the wise men their gifts; the shepherds their admiration; the earth the cave; the desert the manger. What do we bring to Him? In the Scriptures, the Lord Himself reveals it - we must bring a pure heart free from sins and passions, striving to the Heavenly Father. Let this light, the star of Bethlehem, always illuminate our souls on this sacred path of ascent to the Lord. Rush along this path! Not only in words but deeds for all our life, that we may become disciples of God born on earth - and the world around us will become brighter and more joyous.
Archimandrite Tikhon with the brothers of Sretensky Monastery
Nativity, 2014