Moscow, December 30, 2013

The patriarch feels certain that the church, the state, and civil institutions must do their best "lest such destructive ideology exist in our society".
"I am praying for the repose of the victims and for speedy recovery of those injured. I ask to pass my condolences to the families and relatives of all victims and to all survivors. Let the sincere care and help to those affected by this tragedy unite all interested people in the resolute opposition against the evil of terror," read the document.
The patriarch has also sent a telegram to Metropolitan German of Volgograd and Kamyshin.
"The terrorists, who have dealt a blow to innocent people, are cherishing vain hopes to intimidate our fellow citizens, to break the spirit of the people and to sow discord in the country. I firmly believe that the perpetrators' wish will not be fulfilled, for it is opposed by our people who are faithful to the principles of peace and truth," he stressed.
The patriarch has asked the Metropolitan to support spiritually the survivors and all those affected by this tragedy.
According to him, the Russian Church is cooperating with traditional Muslim organizations which are resisting aggressive interpretations of Islam.
"And the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia is one of them; many of its supporters live in the Volgograd region. I would ask you to call upon your flock to show good will to these people," read the telegram.