Arkhangelsk, October 24, 2013

The events are timed to the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions and are called to remind us of the sorrowful date—the 90th anniversary of the organization of the so-called Soviet Special Purpose Camps.
The book, Reminiscences of Solovki Prisoners, was the result of work by a large team of specialists from Russia and abroad—historians, culture experts, linguists, and public workers. This edition opens the series, Reminiscences of Solovki prisoners—1923–1939. The first published volume includes memoirs of 14 prisoners, 1923-1927.
The memoirs are accompanied by articles by experts, supplemental information, and rich illustrative material.
"The courage of those who in the face of their persecutors and death itself succeeded in retaining their inner freedom and human dignity, leads the historical experience of Solovki far beyond the bounds of Russian national history and adds a precious page to the chronicle of the human spirit. Along with the glorious Martyrs of the early Christian period, we venerate the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia— by historical standards, our contemporaries and relatives. Their exploit gives us strength," said the Superior of Solovki Monastery Archimandrite Porphyry (Shutov) in his speech, addressed to the reader.