Vladimir, September 29, 2013

"The extraordinary situation that emerged during the summer-autumn period in the Khabarovsk region, when thousands of people found themselves in an extremely disastrous situation, lost their homes and all their essential things, as well as natural anomalies on the territory of the central Russia, where it has been raining constantly for already about two months, cold weather is coming that prevents the people from doing their necessary works in the fields and preparing for winter. In all this we undoubtedly see Divine Providence, which once again prompts the people to repent and to understand their spiritual and moral state.
In connection with the above, it is blessed on September 30, 2013, in all churches of the dioceses of Vladimir and Alexandrov to celebrate a night Divine Liturgy with petitions about stopping of the rain and help in any need. To serve a night Divine Liturgy in all monasteries and convents of the dioceses of Vladimir and Alexandrov with addition of the petitions mentioned above," Metropolitan Evlogy stated in his address.