Tula, September 12, 2013

"Presently, a wooden house where the museum will be situated is being constructed. The new museum’s opening is scheduled for November 22--the saint's birthday," reported the regional government on Wednesday to Interfax.
The relics of St. Matrona are preserved at the Convent of Protection of the Mother of God in Moscow, reports Sedimita.ru.
St. Matrona was born in 1885 in Tula province. She was not only absolutely blind from birth--she had no eyes at all--but the girl had a gift of spiritual vision. According to her life, from her early years she could not only see all the sins and crimes of people, but also their thoughts. She felt when a danger was near, and foresaw natural and public disasters. Through her prayers people were healed of their diseases and consolation in their sorrows.
In 1925, Matrona moved to Moscow and lived there until the end of her life.
On May 2, 1952, the earthly life of St Matrona ended. Before her death, the saint said: "Everyone, come to me. Talk to me, as to one living, about your sorrows. I will see and hear you and I will help you".
In October 2004, at the Council of Bishops, St. Matrona was canonized for common veneration.