“We’re Tired of Gay Propaganda”

Commentary by ordinary Americans about the recently passed Russian law banning gay propaganda to children

The Law recently passed in Russia banning the progaganda among minors of non-traditional sexual relations has evoked hysterical responses from liberal media. A boycott of the Winter 2014 Olympics has even been discussed. However, as we can see from the commentary (over 500) left by ordinary Americans under the article, Mutko: Anti-gay law won't infringe on Olympics (Yahoo! News), there are other, very different opinions out there. The overwhelming majority of these comments (although obviously not all) sympathize and support Russia’s efforts to protect her children from gay propaganda, and wish the U.S. would pass similar laws. We have inserted here some of these comments, basically “as is”.

What colors should those who support Russia on this issue paint their fingernails?

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Why do Gays feel the need to force everyone to accept their lifestyle?

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People in the West need to understand that much of the rest of the world thinks differently about "morals". Celebrate the diversity.

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I don't care if it does, let Russian parents raise their own kids with their own beliefs. A right that parents here in America gave up a long time ago.

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Russia is looking at where the West is going, and don't like what they see. I can hardly blame them.

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Its their right to do so!!! I take my hat off to them for standing up for what is morally right. We are tired of having gay c*** thrown at us every day.

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Anti-gay, simply put, is pro-morals and anti-decadence.
God bless russia

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The interesting thing is the screeching from a small minority of people (lgbt) and how much attention it gets. Hundreds of millions of muslim women have zero rights, yet you don't have people boycotting oil and the thousands of products made from it.

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Believe it or not, some cultures actually still act on their religious beliefs. There was a time when we did too.

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Looks like Russia is gaining a higher moral ground than USA, at least on this issue.

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Why do gays think that the whole world has to accept them. The reality is, the world still find them repulsive. And there's nothing that they can do to change it. Especially not shaking their behinds in public; is that even a protest or a joke? Keep up the good work Russia, show the disgusting gays who is the boss.

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I'm getting tired of all this gay #$%$.

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Gays don't want equal rights, they want special rights, and if you don't agree with they're lifestyle for whatever reason, your a homophobe! Give me a break!

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Nine times out of ten I vehemently disagree with Russia and it's KGB style politics but on THIS issue I absolutely stand and applaud!! Yeah, yeah, I know, I know, I'm a "commie sympathizer" or a #$%$" and all that but let me ask you this; where's the dividing line between right and wrong start? If morality is being tossed in the waste bin, where do you start with the prohibitives? If you continue to muddle the moral aspects of your nation, how do you DARE propose laws and decrees?

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You either win or lose by skills. You don't win by coming out, but this is how gay athletics win nowadays.

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When in Russia, do as the Russians do or don't go. Same with Mid Eastern countries--do as they do or don't go. Same with USA--if you don't like USA laws don't go there …

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I really believe gay people led by Obama in USA are doing themselves disservice by becoming too aggressive. They are not fighting for their rights but for taking over the world and making everyone gay. Then, the human race will die.

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Where can I buy some Russian Vodka to show my solidarity with their attempt to hold onto proper moral values?

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I have been telling these gays that there's no difference between child molesters like Sandusky and gays. Only that one prefers younger meat than the other. Russia has it right, the gays only want their dirty grasps on young and innocent children. They want a future population of gays and they only way to do that is to corrupt the innocent minds of children. The U.S has already failed at giving the gays the right to teach gay behaviors in public schools and the Boy Scouts of America has become a breeding ground for gays. Russia is doing what is right in treating gays like a disease. Isolate it, stop it's growth and starve the disease till it dies out. Russia is taking a stand, and the rest of the world should follow.

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Mike, who is most responsible for the spread of HIV in the USA?

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All this commotion is just a ruse by folks like George Soros to try to stir up trouble in Russia, and to undermine the Putin administration for not letting the global banks come into Russia and rape the economy like what they've done here in the U.S. and Western Europe. More meddling by the global corporatist banking elements to undermine any administration brazen enough to stand up to them!! Enough already!!!

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Why is a law banning the propaganda of sexual ideology to minors bad? Why do adults want access to other peoples children to introduce their ideas?

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Keep the homosex agenda away from kids

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Keep #$%$ madness away from kids

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What about the Muslims and their treatment of women and Christians? Should we boycott those countries? Shhhhhh. Not a word from Obama and the Left. Silence.

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Why are the gays wanting to tell the parents of Russia how they should raise their children? Gays should mind their own business and stop pushing their immorality on others. Gays should confine their child raising to their own children that they produced.

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God bless Russia. Children should be protected. Russians have their laws. You have to respect it. Because you are an athlete does not give you the right to do whatever you want to do. In the US, well, parents have given up protecting their children long ago. Children have been abused in so many ways. People in the US are just crazy; well, soon they will allow people having sex with their own dog! What's wrong with that ? Nothing wrong because that is human right about sexual orientation!!! Listen in Russia "Boys live with Girls". Do not like it do not go. I do not see Russians bowing down. You go Russia, you are the only remaining leader who can lead in the right direction with decency on this one.

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I posted the following several hours ago. I got responses from a few detractors (thanks, girls!) but NOT EVEN ONE addressed the ugly truth of homosexual recruiting which Russia at least is smart enough to stand up against: Homosexuals are showing their true faces by howling against a law whose only intent is to prevent preying on minors. But then again, let's face it, homosexuality would die out in one generation were it not for those precious young recruits!

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Homosexuals harassing non-homosexuals, not the other way around; like Hitler complaining that the Jews were bullies.

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Gays are sick

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The rainbow colors are the colors of God's promise to Noah and all of us. But the Homosexuals have perverted it's purity and beauty. Nothing is sacred with them, So why should we tolerate anything they do or say, when they insult God? It should be recognized by all followers of Christ, of their corruption of it's beauty.

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Liberals who are so obsessed with this issue should stay in a Russian Prison for few days to realize that they have the most gay-friendly environment

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Why can't the homosexual/pederasty community understand here and in Russia that we want you to stay away from our children? You chose to have a fruitless life and we haven't. Can't you people leave us alone? We don't like you. At least the ones with children.

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According to data from the Center for Disease Control and Statistics. GBLT youths are:

More than eight times likely to have attempted suicide,

More than six times likely to report high levels of depression,

More than three times likely to use illegal drugs, and,

More than three times likely to be at high risk for HIV or other STDs by the time they reach their early 20's.

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National statistics for 2010 show that more than one-quarter of all new HIV infections are among youths ages 13 to 24.

Of the estimated 47,500 new infections in 2010, more than 83% are among men.

Almost three-quarters are attributed to sex between men.

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According to the CDC:

280,000 male homosexuals in the US have died from AIDS.

1 in 5 male homosexuals have AIDS.

US male homosexuals are 44 times more likely to get AIDS and 17 times more likely to get anal cancer than normal men

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Let's be honest here. This whole LGBT rights kick the left has been on for the past year is simply the way that irresponsible liberals justify their own bad behavior. If even homosexuality is normal, then everything is normal, and nothing is abnormal. Thus no one has any right to criticize anything anyone else does. Not even if it has terrible consequences and undermines society. We have an entire generation now that does not see any consequences for just doing whatever one wants, which is why they are the most selfish and self-centered generation in the history of humanity. But, by loudly shouting their support for LGBT folks, who are as abnormal as you can get, they get to not only ignore their own bad behavior, but feel like they are actually civil rights heroes. In fifty years when our grandchildren are picking up the pieces of the civilization we utterly destroyed, they will curse us for our outrageous stupidity. And we will deserve every single curse. We are the worst people this world has ever seen. The liberals for believing this nonsense and the conservatives for not standing up to it.

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The homosexual poison / cancer reaches every where

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The West always conveniently forgets to mention the "minors" part. Yes, a law stopping pedophiles from recruiting children to the cause. And the gay dogs don't even have children and their so-called marriage can NEVER produce any children. So they always assume the right to 'proselytise'..... to other people's kids of course.... without those other people's consent.

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I like the Russian attitude toward the sad affliction of homosexuality

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In America, up until the 90's no one was preaching that homosexuality was "normal", no one was talking about it being a "Civil Right", no one was saying the homosexuals should be able to marry,so what happened in such a short time that made everything change? It was a MASSIVE propaganda campaign aimed at the American youth,promoted in the media and taught in schools, all aimed at young children who later have become young adults who now look on this favorably because they were brainwashed. Do you think schools ever taught the counter to this, such as effects on society, the traditional family unit or even religious conflict? Hell no, it was all promotion and nothing else. When all you are willing to do is discuss one side with no other opinions allowed, that is propaganda. Gay is good...end of discussion.The Russians have seen how this was accomplished and choose to stop it, good for them!

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It takes a strong and united nation to fend off the gay propaganda sweeping the world! I support them, and wish Putin the best. If there is anything I can do to help..............

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I knew a guy who was very tolerant and even had a couple (about 3) gay friends. He liked them, wasn't ashamed to hang out with them, attended their boycotts, everything. He met a girl one day and fell in love with her. His gay friends became jealous, started harrassing him, calling him a "closet case" and "you know you want it" "try it, you might like it". They became so obnoxious, that one day, he lost his cool and hit one and the person fell over, hit his head on a sharp corner of a end table and went into a coma. He died 3 days later, and the guy was sent to prison on manslaughter charges. The moral of this story is clear? Just don't even try to associate with gays, they are bad, bad vibes

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Russia don't want American problem with homosexuality on own land.

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Bless Russia......and the numerous other nations that are not in the spotlight that have the same laws/rules.

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And who cares? Homosexuals are less than .0001% of the world's population. There are more bed bugs than them.

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Our schools teach sex education. The homosexual "lifestyle" is now considered "normal". What types of sodomy will they teach our children? Or, will some types of sodomy be too taboo teach our children???

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Next will be necrophlia propaganda. We already have man-boy love propaganda or so-called "intergenerational sex." The trick is to call wrong things by different names to make them sound better, e.g. "gay marriage."

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The gay agenda like the leftist feminist agenda seeks the removal of the father figure from the family. It makes it acceptable to have children who dont know who their fathers even are. The government has with its welfare system promoted this ever since the 1960s. It has increasingly gotten worse now in some communities. 76% are children growing up without a father figure in the home. Russia is smarter here than our nation. They have taken a stance. We have gone in the direction to create further confusion, further broken up families and further chaos. Children here, there, everywhere. Now add into this this lgbt agenda. It’s more confusion upon more confusion in the fakery of fake civil rights of somekind.

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Two things have done much to destroy our once great nation...feminism and the gay agenda.

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Height of the Persian Empire? Strong paternal figures. Height of the Roman Empire? Strong paternal figures. Height of the Greek Empire? Strong paternal figures. Height of The British Empire? Strong paternal figures. Height of the Mongol empire? Strong paternal figures. Height of the Qing Dynasty? Strong paternal figures. Height of the Ottoman empire? Strong paternal figures.

America the beautiful? You get it now...Once Upon a Time...STRONG PATERNAL FIGURES. study the history, know it, cause we are headed downward if we dont turn this trend around and quickly. Putin knows this. That is why they took control over the situation. The Russian empire will once again rise. He understands what its going to take to make that occur.

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American liberals........not everybody in the world thinks as you do. There are different cultures, different attitudes, different people, and different ideologies worldwide. Quit trying to force your viewpoints on everybody else. This is the Olympics....not a gay pride gathering. If you want a gay pride gathering, try a gay parade!

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So they do not want the gays to attack their children. Wish our government thought enough about protecting our children

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If you choose to be a gay perverted homosexual then don't take part in the Russian games.Your filthy perverted lifestyle will not be missed. Choosing to be a gay perverted homosexual at any age is a very very bad behavior choice!!!! I wish our leaders and our country would adopt the same laws as Russia has to protect our children from this homosexual illness that has spread throughout the world!!!

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Our kids are not in better shape than the Russian kids. At least the Russians are trying to protect their children from the immoral activities that are destroying the Western society.

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Russia would rather you not dance around with panties on your heads and you compare that to Hitler's persecution of the jews? You're much sicker than I ever thought.

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Human anatomy and physiology textbooks are anti-gay too.

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So if the gays can't diddle kids it's "Hitler and the jews"? You gays are much sicker than I ever knew.

So the Russians don't want a bunch of perverts making their children immune to homosexual perversions? What is wrong with that?

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Homosexuality is a sickness ...

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This law does not outlaw homosexuality. It does outlaw promoting it to children. Homosexuals show their true face when trying to open up this option to themselves by distorting the discussion as if it were about the "human right" to prey on children.

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I was born in the 60s and have seen an immense amount of change occur in society. Not all good. in fact I darn missed the best decade in modern history the 1950s. Ike Eisenhower was president, we led the world in science and math, we prepared big things like going to the moon. We manufactured most everything here upon our shores. America was a solid force to reckon with. almost every family had a father in the home. Now it's the opposite. We are in deep trouble in America. We have to turn this or around or we are going off the cliff of insanity.

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In 20 years pedophilia will be a civil right...In another 20 years so will #$%$...in another 20 years so will necrophilia

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I agree with Russia on this. They're trying to protect their children form this perversion. Unlike America.

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Russia is right! Homosexual relations are filthy and disgusting and spread disease. They should not be allowed to spread their gay propoganda any where near children, and "normal" people want nothing to do with them either! Take your filth and go away we don't want your kind of gay!

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Gays are running out of victim cards. They're running everywhere trying to find someone to hit them in the face. Homophobia's dead in America. Now they search in 3rd world countries, like Russia and Venezuela. Give it up, gays. You now rule the world. What more do you want?

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At least the Russians understand that perverse behaviors should not be influencing children. Admire them for that! If perverts are going to the Olympics, they'll need to keep their perversions to themselves! As it should be.

4 сентября 2013 г.

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steve laszlo 7 мая 2017, 01:12
Its sickening to see this gay perversion being shoved down our throats and now being forced apon our kids i hope the new president will help put a stop to it if it where put to a vote to end same sex marriage again we must all have our voice heard god bless america god bless aids the queer killer
Martin Palmer16 апреля 2017, 22:20
How refreshing it is to finally hear someone say what is right about Russia instead of all the unnecessary bashing. I am sick of having the gay agenda not just throw in my face but having it practically rammed down my throat. Until 1967, the UK jailed homosexuals and now, because of massive guilt over their past, they advertise this lifestlye as being somehow more than normal;i.e., larger than life. Watching British TV and dating lifestyles, one would easily imagine that 25% of the population is gay. Fine with me. Let them breed themselves into oblivion. If homosexuals want to be accepted by society, maybe they should finally begin to take themselves seriosly; conforming to society, instead of trying to make society conform to their abberrant lifestyle. Who would have thought that 50 years ago Russia, in the world arena, would serve as a model to us all.
Mac 6 апреля 2017, 17:42
PS- You are correct in the fact that there are many people who feel this way. The media would have you believe that the Americans who approve of homosexual propaganda. However, if you post anything about limiting children's exposure to things such as this, it immediately gets taken down on many places. Facebook deleted my account for having conservative comments on it. Comments on news articles get deleted. America is no longer truly "free" if we ever were and we are beginning to see just how manipulated we are being here.
Mac 6 апреля 2017, 17:39
Wow. This is an older post, but I am happy to find it. I am so tired of the homosexual propaganda. When I was younger, I thought "What does it hurt? Let them live their lives how they see fit." But now, it has just become insane. Now that I am a parent, I truly fear for my kids. I am glad that Russia has done this and I really hope it will help. As an aside, I knew many, many gays in college. So many of them are now straight! What the media doesn't show is how HIV is still spreading rapidly through the homosexual community, but in others it has begun to decline. They don't show that homosexuals have a decreased life span. They don't show the statistics that children raised in homes without a male and female parent have a much higher rate of suicide, teen pregnancy, drug abuse, and are more likely to become runaways. There are many reasons to keep homosexual propaganda away from kids, but our public schools in the US, Disney, the media- they are all foisting it upon us under the ruse that they will be exposed to it someday and that everyone knows someone who is gay. I am beginning to think Russia is so much more sane than the US- they are more pro-life and against exposing kids to homosexuality. That sounds more reasonable than our country!
Jack 24 марта 2017, 18:32
Well i'm soo happy finding this article - i though that i'm the only one thinking that the whole gayness crap is destructive for the society. Look at the animation movies from USA nowadays - almost all of them have gay elements - guys been dressed like girls, guys dancing with their panties on the head, guys showing obviously their attraction to other guys etc.. This is not normal! And maybe only less than 1 percent of the human population is gay - how can we tolerate such intrusion.
The Indonesian Matchbox21 марта 2017, 13:11
I'm neither American nor Russian, but my opinion is Putin and his Russians are doing something right with this LGBTQ thing and I praise it. I've planned to study abroad to America years before, but I'm not sure if I should go there or not after this abomination spread out. Thank God I've been with friends who are against these propaganda too, who are genuinely religious and always teach me to embrace my religion. I'm not that religious but I find that there are no religions that support LGBT, so far that I've seen, and I'm really glad I found this post. Pluralism was alright back then, but now it's too much. Since Disney's Beauty and the Beast takes charge to bribe children along with the new Power Rangers movie (yeah, I'm telling you to Google that!) introduction to its LGBT acceptance, I started to believe that this society isn't exist anymore. It's like the world is gonna end soon. God bless Russia, its people, and its president! Stop this rotten agenda for now and forever!
Andy28 февраля 2017, 20:14
I am an Amarican and I am also sick of this lgbt propaganda. I love rainbows but they wont leave my favorite color or my favorite fan base of MLP alone. Im sick of it I know freindship is magic but its like they are constantly doing gay propaganda through speakers similer to the MLP equalist village episode. Enough is enough either the US gets its stuff together and lets states make there own laws and people can choose what they view, I want to move to Russia because they neither kill homosexuals nore tolerate the incouregment homosexuality. I know homosexuality is a disorder like bipoler or schitzhrenia and it needs to be treated as such. We dont feed there dulusions no matter what, I think that itself is a crime against man and women. So either one nation under god Or I'm going for Mother Russia!
martin28 февраля 2017, 08:42
Sick and tired of the Gay propaganda here in Argentina they took over the f***** nation, they can even get married and a she-mans are accepted in the army and the police forces you donґt know what is bad yet!
Anoymous28 февраля 2017, 06:25
Good for Russia. American TV shows, movies, and even news should be sensitive to the viewing audience. I understand that there are people who call themselves gay, but in reality they are just people who are trying to find their identity and found it in something sinful. I hope that television networks are able to figure out that not everyone agrees with them. Nor should it be shoved down our throats that we are insensitive or wrong. I am tired of LGBT propaganda and I am guessing many of you are too. Hopefully those supporting gay rights figure that out.
Sally Forth16 февраля 2017, 18:53
The gay rights/transexual juggernaut in America is out of control. I'm glad Russia is putting their foot down, especially where kids are concerned. We just narrowly stopped all of our children from being forced to be nude around the opposite sex in grade school by LAW. That is how bad it is. The government literally trying to force ALL school children to change clothes in front of the opposite sex in the name of coddling and praising transsexuals. Disgusting. It has gotten so bad here in America, you are doing the right thing to say NO MORE to the gay and transgender "rights" bully organizations. Keep it up Russia, don't let your culture be ruined by the transgender and gay pollution. I'm not even religious, but it is so bad here that I can no longer pretend it is harmless or ok.
Joe 5 февраля 2017, 19:27
It's becoming far more irritating to have to see homosexuality on every TV show, movie, news piece every god damned day. These people already have equal rights but they just want MORE MORE MORE. It's all about them. If they would work as hard to do something useful like help minimized women in 3rd world countries, end world hunger, or something more appopriate I'd be fine with that. What exactly are they fighting for? No normal people have that many gay friends because they only make up a small fraction of the population - pretty much every TV show I see these days has a very high proportion of gay characters for absolutely no other reason than to force it upon everyone through the media. I'm sick to death of it.
Sara26 января 2017, 09:52
It's the sane in Australia the sodomites propoganda is everywhere. I refuse to call them 'gay'. We unfortunately follow the USA in this promoting of sexual perversion as a normal way of life. Personally I am trying to work out how I can move To Russia. They have rolled out a Safe Schools program in the government schools here. Which was suppose to be about bullying but its promoting hoosexuality as normal to children. It's headed up by a Marxist loving lesbien. In the last couple of months I ve noticed trannies are appearing everywhere. Large ugly men dressed as women. I was always of the view oh well live and let live. But now they are seeking to change society as a whole and force all of us to openly accept them. And if we dont we are homophobic and should be ousted from society. Religion is also. greatly discouraged i believe that the plan to remove religion from society apoeals to them. The Government of our State flew the Rainbow flag alongside the Australia flag above the State parliament building. The marxist card carrying lesbien tweeted that she wouldnt be happy until the Australia flag was replaced by the Marxist flag. Forgetting that Marxism in its true form had no love of homosexuals. Apologies for any typos , I couldnt fund my glasses:)
Sick of it too20 июля 2016, 10:36
I am a mother of two children and am so sick of gay and lesbian stuff on TV. There are still Americans that are conservative and are against it and don't believe in it. I think it is morally wrong and perversions that go against the way the human body is made. What is wrong with these people? I do not want my children thinking gay is ok because I do not agree with it and do think these people need mental help. What a sick world we live in now worse than ever. Men need to be men and women need to be women and marry the opposite sex. That is the anatomy of the human body. A mans penis should not go in another mans but that is perverse beyond anything. And as a woman to let another woman touch me physically sexually makes me want to throw up. So not right and just completely against nature. I feel sorry for all these kind of people that they are so mentally screwed up in the head. I do not understand it and will teach my children how morally wrong and just really disgusting it is.
Marshall Coble 6 мая 2016, 02:08
It is anti life that is evil need I say more
Adam Bartel 3 мая 2016, 01:16
I too have had my fill of the homos agenda...I'm not religious...I'm canadian...it's everywhere this homo crap and I fear for my children...it is a mental disorder to be gay and that is for sure...we were made to be with our opposite sex and that's that...Thank you to Russia I hope that the rest of the world follows and we can be rid of this shit forever...
Carsten Klein16 апреля 2016, 01:54
While I agree that these half breeds have to be reduced in their overall number, we should ask ourselves why is it that they are still growing in number? Is there something wrong with the men and women reproducing? Perhaps we should invest some money in finding out why this genetic deficiency is still part of our reproduction and once and for all rule it out for the better, and not only because their kind is just being annoying on the media, but because that their kind is mocking overall creation.
Abraham Gustaffson 8 марта 2016, 10:03
Gays are sickening abominations. They know what they're doing and where they're going once they die. HELL. That's right and that's nothing to be proud of.
gohomegays19 ноября 2015, 05:18
Yes, i say we leave the sodomites alone. God has a special place prepared for them. besides all that, they will extinct themselves eventually. hard for same sex gays to make babies (they can only buy them)and they are dying from aids at alarming rate. let em screw themselves to death, then they can face the Ultimate Judge (The Lord Jesus Christ) and receive in themselves the "recompence of their error" They dont go to hell because they are gay, they go to hell because they are NOT born again!
Darqside10 июля 2015, 23:36
There's an old saying that "if you say something enough times, people will believe anything". Propaganda (read: news media and social media) tends to bloat the reality of the situation out of proportion. As bothersome as controversial people may seem to you, the truth is most casual supporters keep mum during this situation and are just happy to support the "system" from the shadows (read: lurking on spin-doctored propaganda) if it churns in their favor. The problem isn't as simple as Sodom and Gomorrah, at least in a small rural town in the old days news travels slowly compared to the Internet. As my parents told me "don't get caught up in the Hysteria of others", that includes radical groups with political agendas. Stand up for yourself, stand up for what you believe in, but at the same time, keep it to yourself, it's nobody's business but your own. That goes for any belief, really.
Dodger30 июня 2015, 06:22
We should start a new set of channels where gay crap is replaced with good family values and where the heroes are actual upstanding people that kids can idolize!
dennis savage16 июня 2015, 06:06
Sodomites completely took over Sodom and Gomorrah as a result no Hetrosexual could find work and became subject to their abuse except for Lot and his family. Their agenda is to do the same thing again only worldwide. So pray to God that nations who reject this disease can hold out against them. To prevent God's wrath on the earth due to this filthy disease.
Dan Riggs 2 июня 2015, 22:34
We must stand united and not let the devil intimidate us. We must show up to the ballot box, show up to the trials, show up to the meetings, and voice our beliefs. Faith without works is dead. James 2:26
NeverWrong13 мая 2015, 22:25
I have certainly noticed myself that there are much more Gay women these days.
Peter11 мая 2015, 12:05
There aren't enough posts like this on the Internet...everything is in support of homosexuality and I am so damn sick of the gay community shoving their propaganda down our throats... I never cared about the LGBT community or anything they practiced but when they start going up to straight folks and waving and protesting about their bullshit and attempt to come onto us, they've gone too damn far!!! LONG LIVE THE RESISTANCE MOVEMENT AGAINST HOMOSEXUALITY!!! IT IS FOR THE SAKE OF HUMANITY'S FUTURE TO WIPE OUT THEIR DISGRACEFUL WAYS OF LIFE!!!!
jhgjhgj 9 января 2015, 20:37
micahel stankovich and lgbt shill pretending not to be.....hilarious
Dara Kendall25 декабря 2014, 02:39
Congratulations to Russia for standing up to gay TYRANNY! Gays are among the greatest threat to world civilization; they are ruthless, vicious, and out of control. I am glad that Russia has the courage to stand up to these disgusting beasts... because Americans don't have that courage and those who do are bullied and ridiculed. Glory to the Russian presence of mind!! From, an American who mourns the REAL America
Sabeth Free 8 ноября 2014, 11:57
First God Needs to Bless America and UK and other deviant nations who support Gay and Lesbian child Abuse adoption. NOW Gays are getting together to create their own twisted family units by swapping partners to create children. The mad logic of western Governments gets sicker each day. 33 % of FREE IVA treated is given to Lesbian Couple sin the UK. Stonewall Gay charity demands promotion of gay sexual teaching in school form the age of 4. Irish Wedding cake maker is taken to court for rejecting the promotion of creating a slogan to promote gay life on Gay wedding cake. Doom is upon us with the sheep also following government policy to promote Gay life under the guise fo 'stop homophobic Bullying'. There was never homophobic bullying 30-40 years ago in schools. gays did what they did without endless campaigns and promotion. Thank God for USA and UK.... wait no, thank GOD for RUSSIA who stands up for normal family traditions unlike the Bent queer logic of Western Government promoting Gay twisted deviant life styles. The mad liberal media has lost its moral ground, not that the liberals ever had moral grounding.
James19 июля 2014, 03:25
I think as per usual, what is lost is that a very small percentage of homosexuals actually agree with the promotion and forced acceptance that is being thrown into the media today. The general homosexual populace is not out to create a generation of homosexuals. Life requires reproduction and men and women to continue to love one another. Most homosexuals only want the freedom to be what they are without fear of persecution. People should not have to hide behind closed doors. Love is universal. Love between peoples should be celebrated and promoted in all respects regardless of colour, gender, religion or political affiliation. Religions boast spreading love and genuine care for fellow human beings. If the world focused on this more than anything, ethnic groups, differing religions, homosexuals and many other minorities would never be using this type of propaganda to move away from hatred in the first place. Also to be clear, disagreeing with homosexual propaganda does not make you a homophobic. However a comment like this does, "I have been telling these gays that there's no difference between child molesters like Sandusky and gays." Humans in general have the capacity to be terrible regardless of age or sexual orientation. I hope everyone can read this post and remember that love is all that really matters and endeavour to spread more of it in your own lives as opposed to hatred. Love thy neighbour even if you disagree with his/her choices in life.
sam15 июля 2014, 08:10
Gay is not natural they will destroy sociaty if we the werten world let them look at Australia a judge say,s that pedophilia is ok and society need,s s to accept it how crazy that is
Dave C 3 июля 2014, 03:12
If there is a God, I wish that God would sort all these perverts out, by ridding the world of every single one in one blow of his wrath.
George21 июня 2014, 07:41
God bless Russia, for making durable efforts to guide the next generation into solid family values and actively and strenuously repel the sick, perverted homosexual virus which seems to have everybody infected these days. God bless Russia!!
Cesar20 июня 2014, 06:15
I live in wa state I am moving to russia in January. I'm anti-gay. I want Putin in America
June 9 июня 2014, 20:28
Russia got it right. Morality is morality and the immorality of gay/lesbian should not be shoved down our children's throats. I for one am tired of the immorals controlling our socieity.
Thomas16 апреля 2014, 08:40
I'm an American and I'm very disappointed in it right now. If you want to be gay do it in your bedroom. Stay away from the children. I never thought I'd say this but, Russia is doing it right while the U.S is screwing it up.
warrior just22 февраля 2014, 06:13
God bless russia....God bless russia
Joseph shriver18 февраля 2014, 04:05
I've had it with all the gay crap!!!! I will say one thing, while these pervertted liberals may accept the gay agenda.........God will NEVER accept it. He does not change homosexuality is sin and it will always be!!!!!!!
Michael E15 февраля 2014, 03:58
The Canadian Government is: Paying for sex changes Allowing gays to adopt children. (the worst thing Canada has ever done) Teaching Homosexuality in school Paying CBC television to promote gay lifestyles. Paying to "help" those to embrace homosexuality, and on and on. What they don't do: Have a moral compass. Pay for research as to why homosexuality and trans genderdness is on the rise. Pay for treatment for those discovering children that just don't want to be gay. No medical treatment for gay refugees. Don't have a don't ask don't tell policy. You got to tell them on all government forms to invoke special considerations. This will be the decline of morality which often ends in doom. Greeks, Romans, and the old lesson of Sodom and Gomorrah. So how will God deal with this when it boils over? ?My hope is that Russia will lead the world in research into the rise in population. One thing is obvious however. Hollywood. The grammy's on t.v. gay wedding is going to confuse and derange those children that wanted to see their favorite actors. Did any of them walk out? I didn't watch. Probably not.
James11 февраля 2014, 03:51
Shawn, 1) Don't speak for everyone--What do you call elementary school textbooks glorifying same-sex marriages if not brainwashing children? And where are Christians treating gays like animals? 2) I don't know which Bible you are reading if you can't find anything that shows clearly that our God condemns homosexuality. "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. (Leviticus 18:22). "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them" (Lev. 20:13). "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. (Rom. 1:26–27). Does anyone really even need to look for specific passages in the Bible against sexual depravity in order to prove that it is condemned? Homosexuality is sexual depravity. Christ came to forgive those who repent. But there must be repentance, and not psychological denial.
Shawn10 февраля 2014, 15:47
Just when I had faith in humanity, reading these comments have made want to kill myself. Wheres the love here? Or are you all here to hate? Nobody is trying to brainwash children with homosexual propaganda, gay people are asking for rights to be treated as humans, not animals. Secondly I have not found one verse in the bible that says homosexuality is a sin. Our holy father never said a thing about gays. If you have a problem with this, or want to refute my claim, please email me at rx6_1993@hotmail.com Mods, let this post through
Max Lampman 8 февраля 2014, 21:45
When I was 15, three gay men said they where going show me pleasures I would never forget (rape) luckily a policemen was walking by and I was able to walk away. By the grace of God I was able to rebuke this gay propaganda.
Dory 7 февраля 2014, 18:59
Russia has been consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by Pope John Paul II as asked by Our Lady of Fatima. Now we see the frutis of that consecration. I applaude Russia for holding out against the wave of immorality and sin sweeping the world. God bless you all.
Richard28 января 2014, 09:32
Let the homos breed themselves out....wait, that's why they need propaganda anyway.....
DH21 декабря 2013, 23:48
If the US had this law the Media would have to cancel 80% of it's programming. I think Russia has it right. Take the homosexual agenda out of the spotlight. I don't care what these folks do to each other behind closed doors. Get rid of the propaganda and proselytizing and let natural selection take it's course.
Andrel L Hughes19 декабря 2013, 22:48
The real recruitment is aimed at OUR CHILDREN..I am sick and tired of the HOMOSEXUAL push...I have every right to PUSH BACK!!...I applaud Russia for taking a stand.
Konstandinos21 сентября 2013, 16:52
Glory to God. Only the Orthodox Nations and Faithful Orthodox Believers are keeping the Faith and crushing these Zionist-Backed, perverted pieces of trash. God bless Russia and it's laws for protecting the Orthodox youth from the New World Orders Agenda.
Mariko Hishamunda20 сентября 2013, 16:14
What drama. And what sadness Russia finds itself in, that it is so insecure about its faith and place in the world that it must attack the defenseless. God help her to be strong in spirit, and not with the strength that is of the petty of this world...
Nicholas Anagnostis16 сентября 2013, 22:33
Yes, God bless Holy Mother Russia, Holy Orthodoxy, Archbishop Kyrill, President Putin and you, Pravoslavie, for their and your heroic defense of innocent children against this hideous evil that destroys their lives and souls. How ironic that now Russia is Christendom's great defender, and the US, UK and France her worst persecutors.
Gunnar13 сентября 2013, 00:06
I'm all for this law in Russia, but I believe that it does not go far enough (correct me if I am wrong). It should include a ban on any kind of promotion of sexual perversions and destructive activities (both heterosexual and homosexual), including: 1) adultry and having affairs (media, jokes, justification of this in education) 2) sexual violence in the media 3) prostitution (buying or selling sexual services) 4) unnecessary nudity or "sexually charged" fashion in all of the media 5) lude public displays of "affection" in particular in places where children might be watching 6) any kind of sex outside of holy marriage, including the right of children to not be born out of wedlock (bastardy) I plan to call for a similar law or an extension of the existing law to include these measures if it does not already.
L. Weisser10 сентября 2013, 20:16
My partner and I have been married for five years (we're Canadian) and live in a conservative suburb next to two schools. When we moved in, our neighbours brought us baked goods and welcomed us into their lives. I go to the local Ukrainian Orthodox Church and sit in the back as a catechumen, leaving before Holy Communion. I study Orthodoxy, reading The Art of Prayer and say my prayers constantly. I don't seek to disrupt the congregation by revealing anything of myself which might cause a problem. I understand the comments here. It is okay. God loves us all and understands us all. May God bless you today in a very special and loving way!
Jacob Jameson10 сентября 2013, 09:54
To Mr. Stankovich I am an Orthodox layperson (both in the laity but also a blue collar worker) but I applaud your views on this sensitive subject! I would like to see greater acknowledgement among various Christian groups (including those belonging to Orthodoxy) of the truth that the sin of homosexual acts are sin - and not some especially heinous sin above deception, theft, rape, adultery, etc. I concur with you that some may have same-sex impulses as a thorn in their side, yet if they choose humility, self-sacrifice and. abstinence from these acts then can lead lives pleasing unto God. We must take great care that our hearts be guided by the love of Christ in truth and sincerity. It is a great shame when professing Christians mock the name of Christ in their hate for their people suffering in willful slavery to their passions. We must assert that these acts are harmful and destructive. But we must love these people as God does also love them. We must spend more time praying for them and no time cursing them.
Michael Stankovich 9 сентября 2013, 00:06
I posted a comment here a number of days ago and you apparently do not intend to publish it. I am a graduate of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary. as both an undergraduate and a graduate student. I entered and completed medical school, and completed residency in psychiatry. Coming to California, I am working in the psychiatric emergency room, crisis homes, part-time in state prison, and as a contractor for genetic research. I am not homosexual. I am not a member of a "movement" or organization that promotes the "normalization" of homosexuality in the Church. I do not support same-sex marriage, or "approximations" of marriage such as "unions." Nevertheless, I have found NOTHING in the Holy Scripture, the Patristic Fathers, the Canonical Fathers, or the Holy Tradition indicating that same-sex attraction, in and of itself, is sinful. It is the sexual expression of same-gender sexual expression - the sexual acts - that are the "abomination," and forbidden, as is all sexual activity out the sacramental marriage of one man and one woman. My point is that it is entirely possible for someone with same-sex attraction to live a life of purity, abstinence, obedience, singlemindedness (sophrosyne/tselomudrye), and peace in the fullness of the Church on the path of righteousness to which we are all called. I would appreciate a response.
Robert Nicodemo 7 сентября 2013, 20:47
George Rutkay 5 сентября 2013, 17:12
Sodomy is not marriage, it is moral and sexual impurity and perversion. God bless Russia for being righteous among nations, for guarding the purity of her children! May Russia continue to foster right family values and be a shining example to the world!
Harrison Krenitsky 4 сентября 2013, 23:34
We have laws in the US to help protect our children from engaging in alcohol because we know it could be negatively life altering to be heavily engage in it use at such young ages, yet we see nothing wrong with allowing are children to engage in experimenting with the ideas and acts of gay and alternative life styles even though it could be just as negatively life altering as alcohol at those ages. From a common sense perspective, Russia has got this one correct!
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