The 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty is marked on the 6th of March. Michael Romanov, whose grandfather, Nikita, wa a central adviser to Ivan the Terrible, was unanimously elected Tsar of Russia by a national assembly on 21 February 1613. Since that time, Romanov family, as the second and last Russian imperial dynasty, ruled the country right until 1917. The February Revolution resulted in abdication of Nicholas II in favor of his brother Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich. The latter declined to accept the crown, terminating the Romanov dynasty's rule over Russia.

We shall take a look at the family tree that focuses on those members, that ascended the throne (they are marked with a crown).
1. Mikhail Romanov (1596 - 1645) reigned 1613 - 1645
2. Evdokia Streshneva (1608 - 1645)
3. Maria Miloslavskaya (1624 - 1668)
4. Alexey Romanov (1629 - 1676) reigned 1645 - 1676
5. Natalia Naryshkina (1651 - 1694)
6. Marfa Apraksina (1664 - 1716)
7. Fedor Romanov (1661 - 1682) reigned from 1676 to 1682
8. Praskovia Saltykova (1664 - 1723)
9. Ivan the V Romanov (1666 - 1696) reigned 1682 - 1689
10. Sofia Romanova (1657 - 1704), warden of young Peter the Great 1682 - 1689
11. Evdokia Lopukhina (1669-1731)
12. Peter the Great Romanov(1672 - 1725), reigned 1689 - 1725
13. Ekaterina I (born Marta Skavronskaya, 1684 - 1727), reigned 1725 - 1727
14. Elisaveta I Romanova (1709 - 1762), reigned 1741 - 1762
15. Karl Leopold zu Meklenburg-Schwerin (1678 - 1747)
16. Ekaterina Romanova (1692 - 1733)
17. Anna Romanova (1673 - 1740), reigned 1730 - 1740
18. Friedrich Wilhelm Kettler Kurlyandsky (1692 - 1711)
19. Alexey Romanov(1690 - 1718)
20. Natalia (born Charlotte Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, 1694 - 1715)
21. Anna Romanova (1708 - 1728)
22. Karl Friedrich Holstein - Gottorp (1700 – 1739)
23. Anton Ulrich Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel(1633 - 1714)
24. Anna Romanova von Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1718 - 1746), warden of young Ivan VI 1740-1741
25. Peter II Romanov (1715 - 1730), reigned 1727 - 1730
26. Peter III Romanov (1728 - 1762), reigned 1761 - 1762
27. Ekaterina II (born Sophie von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg, 1729 - 1796), reigned 1762 - 1796
28. Ivan VI Romanov (1740 - 1764), reigned 1740 - 1741
29. Natalia (born Augusta von Hessen-Darmstadt, 1755—1776)
30. Pavel I Romanov (1754 - 1801), reigned 1796- 1801
31. Maria (born Sophia von Württemberg, 1759 — 1828)
32. Alexandra (born Charlotte von Preußen, 1798 — 1860)
33. Nicholas I Romanov (1796 - 1855), reigned 1825 - 1855
34. Alexander I Romanov (1777 - 1825), reigned 1801 - 1825
35. Elisaveta (born Louise von Baden, 1779 - 1826)
36. Maria (born Marie von Hessen und bei Rhein, 1824—1841)
37. Alexander II Romanov (1818 - 1881), reigned 1855 - 1881
38. Maria (born Marie Dagmar, 1847 - 1928)
39. Alexander III Romanov (1845- 1894), reigned 1881 - 1894
40. Alexandra (born Alix von Hessen und bei Rhein, 1872 — 1918)
41. Nicholas II Romanov (1868 - 1918), reigned 1894 - 1917.