Two thirds of all living in Russia plan to celebrate Christmas tonight

Moscow, January 7, 2012

As the Yuri Levada center for analytics informed Interfax, the majority of people living in Russia—65%—intend to celebrate Christmas on January 7.

This is a rise from last year, which showed a slight decrease of 61% from former years. Sociologists state that the number of people intending to celebrate Christmas according to the Julian calendar this year will return to the average amount of 66–68% shown in former years.

During the poll taken about desire to celebrate the Nativity of Christ on January 7, most of the affirmative answers came from people in the services fields (74%), students (70%), women in general (69%), people aged 40–55 (68%), people with an medium education level (67%), people with high incomes (68%), people living in provincial cities with a population of more than 500,000 (70%), reports Interfax.

6 января 2012 г.

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