March 16, 2011
Information on the scope of the damage to the Japanese Orthodox Church as a result of the recent earthquake and tsunami have been provided by the Eastern Japan Diocese. The following website post was updated on March 16, 2011:
As you have read, the magnitude 9 earthquake hit the northeastern part of Japan, and a 30-foot tsunami swept through the east coastal areas in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima Prefecture. Serious trouble also arose in the nuclear station in Fukushima.
We have received many emails with love and prayers and inquiries from brothers and sisters throughout the world.
For the time being, the websites of the Orthodox Church in Japan and the Eastern Japan Diocese are still having difficulty uploading new information. On behalf of them, the Western Japan Diocese website provides the current available news.
Mar.15, 2011
Eastern Japan Diocese

The Holy Ascention Church in Ichinoseki and the Elevation of Cross Church in Morioka are also safe, although minor damage was found.
We have made contact with Fr. Michail in Morioka and Fr.Mark in Ichinoseki.
However, the churches located on the Sanriku coast are supposed destroyed: the Annunciation Church in Yamada, Holy Resurrection Church in Kesennuma, Holy Protection Church in Joghe-dzutusmi and St. John the Theologian church in Ishinomaki. The Diocese has not yet made contact with the parishioners of those churches. 300 members are registered in the coastal area.
In addition to them, there is no information from three churches and parishes located further from the coast: Holy Transfiguration Chapel in Sanuma, Transfiguration Church in Takashimizu and Prophet Isaiah Church in Wakuya; in total, 80 members are registered.
Communication and electric sytems are seriously destroyed. Telephone, cell phone and internet are still in limited use. Roads and railways were cut off, and gas stations do not work. There are very few ways to make contact with parishioners.
We have been searching missing people on google and picasa websites, and have found some members are alive
This afternoon, we received happy news that the Ascention Church in Sakari exists and many of the parishioners are alive, too.
Tokyo and Kanto Area
In Tokyo, Met. Daniel, clergy, seminary students, and office staffs were safe. The Cathedral and other buildings had minor damage: window glass broken or cracks on the wall. We have not received any report that any members were seriously damaged.
The other churches in Kanato area and their parishioners are supposed not damaged, either.
When we have any news, we will upload as soon as possible.