Ordzhonikidzevsaya, Ingushetia, November 22, 2010

There were no human casualties, although two priests, iconographers, and the rector’s, Igumen Varlaam’s parents were on the church’s property at the time.
Archbishop Feofan of Stavropol and Vladikavkaz spoke concerning the incident.
“Again the question arises: What forces needed this perfidious, godless plan? In any case, it is perfectly clear that those who organized and perpetrated it have neither conscience, faith, nor any understanding of God. For all civilized people, a church, a mosque, or other religious building is inviolable. It is just as obvious that the person who has fired at an Orthodox church in an area with a predominantly Moslem population casts a shadow over his co-religionists. Such people have but one aim—to incite inter-religious hatred and enmity.
We truly faithful, Orthodox or Moslem alike, understand that this is the path to disaster, a path far from God, and a path to which someone is trying hard to direct us. Therefore, no matter how hard it is for us, we have always done and always will do everything possible to ensure that neither hatred or enmity, but rather peace and accord would be the norm of life—in the Caucasus, and in this entire, great, wide home called Russia.”