Sihastria Monastery, October 16, 2010

Lucian Ducan, correspondent of Trnitas Radio station gave more information on the events at Sihastria Monastery: “The events occasioned by the commemoration of rev. Paisie Olaru began this morning with the Divine Liturgy celebrated in the big church of Sihastria Monastery by a group of six hierarchs: His Eminence Vassilios, Metropolitan of Elassona, His Eminence Teofan, Metropolitan of Moldova and Bucovina, His Eminence Andrei, Archbishop of Alba Iulia, His Eminence Casian, Archbishop of Lower Danube, His Grace Ambrozie, Bishop of Giurgiu, and His Grace Emilian Lovisteanul, Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Ramnic.
The Primate of the Romanian Orthodox Church evoked in the end of the remembrance service the personality of the great father confessor Paisie Olaru.
“After the Divine Liturgy there followed the remembrance service that His Beatitude Patriarch celebrated together with the hierarchs mentioned above and His Eminence Calinic, Archbishop of Arges and Muscel and His Grace Ioachim Bacauanul, Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Roman and Bacau. To end with the religious service, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel evoked the personality of hieroschimonk Paisie Olaru, and then they all went to the grave of the well-known father confessor where a trisaghion was celebrated”, said Lucian Ducan.
In the speech delivered at the end of the service, the Patriarch of Romania showed that Father Paisie had a series of virtues by which he would remain always alive in the memory of those who knew him: “The bright image of father Paisie Olaru will be always alive in our memory, as three lights linked together, namely as a humble praying person, as a wise adviser and as a merciful father.
Rev. Paisie Olaru, who was born in Botosani region and spent some time with father Cleopa at Cozancea Monastery, was a very humble man all his life. He was a humble prayerful man because whenever he prayed or served was never interested how he looked to the people, but only how he could stand straight and right in front of God”.
Then, a symposium dedicated to the anniversary of 20 years since the passing away of the great father confessor Paisie Olaru took place at the semi-basement of the big church of Sihastria Monastery, in the presence of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel. The Symposium began at 11.30 and ended at 15.30 hours, informs Constantin Ciofu, correspondent of “Lumina” newspaper.
A documentary made by Trinitas TV station on father Paisie Olaru was first presented within the framework of this event, entitled “Father Paisie, The Father Confessor”. Then, the hierarchs participating in the symposium delivered speeches each of them making the portrait of father Paisie from Sihastria. Afterwards, a film with father Paisie Olaru was presented from the archives of Sihastria Monastery. To end with the symposium, His Eminence Teofan, Metropolitan of Moldova and Bucovina, took the floor.
Father Paisie Olaru passed away on 18 October 1990. He was buried in the cemetery of Sihastria Monastery, near his grave having been the grave of another great father confessor of this monastic community, archimandrite Cleopa Ilie.